Hi, I’m Brian. When I was at school (which is a very long time ago!) my favourite subjects were art and history.
So working at the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum is cool because I get see lots of great artworks and interesting historical objects everyday!
One of my favourite paintings at the Herbert is a landscape by a famous artist called LS Lowry - he comes from Manchester, which is where I originally come from too.
Nowadays, I love living in the Midlands and I have worked at the Herbert for 8 years. My job is Learning Officer for Schools, which is a posh way of saying that I teach school groups that come to visit us.
I'm looking forward to showing you some our amazing collections soon.

Hello! I'm Sarah, and I love finding out how things have been made and how they work.
I have a Ba(Hons) in Contemporary Crafts, I taught Design and Technology for 7 years, and have an MA in Museum Studies.
I love drawing, making things, gardening, and listening to Science podcasts!
I've worked at Coventry Transport Museum since 2017, and my favourite vehicles are the early cars because they have lots of beautiful details, like the headlamps.
I'm excited to share our wonderful museums with you!

Hello everyone. My name is Hareena, and I am the Family Learning officer at the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum.
I get to invite children and their grown-ups, to play alongside our amazing artworks and captivating collections. I was born in Coventry and have grown-up being fascinated with the museum’s collections.
My favourite piece is the Coventry Sculpture by Peter Peri; it captures the people of Coventry coming together — playing, working, and rebuilding the city. I have a BSc in Human Psychology, where I studied child development.
Since then, I have worked with children in various contexts, ranging from sensory play to robotics.
I love play as a medium for learning and storytelling — inspired by my grandmother, who told me so many sensational stories and rhymes.
I’m looking forward to sharing our museums with you soon.

Hi everyone. I’m Lisa and I am the Learning and Engagement Manager for Coventry Museums. I have worked in museums since 2010, after completing my Fine Art BA, followed by my Art Museum and Gallery Museums MA, where I specialised in museum education. I love teaching children in museums.
They are full of unique objects, ever changing exhibitions and provide a really playful and exciting environment.
Play is at the heart of all the learning opportunities I develop, and its central to my home life too, as I have three very young children who keep me busy!
I’m Coventry born and bred and the museums in our city have always been a special place for me.
I remember visiting the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum when I was in year 3 and walking through the gallery full of Lady Godiva paintings and being amazed by it all.
What a dream it is to now work there.

Salve! My name is Rich, and I am the Learning Officer for the Lunt Roman Fort in Baginton - although you would usually meet me as my alter-ego Rufus, a proud Officer of the Roman Legions!
Believe it or not, I haven't always been a Roman! After graduating from the University of Central Lancashire with a BA in Fine Art, I started museum life in 2012 as a humble workshop volunteer.
Since then I have worn many different hats (literally and figuratively), and have been lucky enough to have taken part in many amazing experiences, including featuring on Blue Peter and the documentary Walking Britain's Roman Roads, hosted by Dan Jones.
As Learning Officer at the Lunt Roman Fort, it is my job to develop the learning offer for both school and family visitors (and also plan the odd Roman festival!), but what I still enjoy most of all is personally delivering active learning sessions, in full 1st century splendour!
The Lunt occupies a unique and very special place in the history of Britain. I have the privilege of meeting literally thousands of KS2 students each year, and I’m proud to tell them its fascinating story.

Hi there! I’m George, and I work at the Lunt Roman Fort in Baginton, where you may have met me as Legionary Gnaeus. I’ve always had an interest in history and the past, so I absolutely love being able to dress up as a Roman Soldier every day (even if I do start rusting in the rain on occasion).
The Lunt is a fantastic and unique place, and I’ve loved coming here ever since I was little. I get to spend nearly every day sharing my love of history and ancient warfare with school children, along with generally waving swords around and falling over, and I can’t really ask for more than that!
Here at the Lunt I’m able to explore my passion for history as well as mess around dressing up, and it is no small honour to be able to share my love for the field with students and the public, and I can’t imagine anything better.